Sunday, June 13, 2004

Goodbye Windoze !

I have been driven to the edge by the Microsoft Twins.

I Switched to Mozilla today !

According to Paul Roberts, IDG News Service, the new IE holes defy latest patches. This was reported in Technology - PC World dated Fri Jun 11, 2004.

Four new holes have been discovered in the Internet Explorer Web browser that could allow malicious hackers to run attack code on Windows systems, even if those systems have installed the latest software patches from the Redmond, Washington company, security experts warn.

It seems that many of the flaws which have been discovered in Microsoft products are the result of nothing more than bad coding practice and an obvious lack of testing and quality assurance.

Microsoft says that they have the "lion's" share of browsers in the marketplace. But how many browsers identify themselves as MSIE so they can use sites which use 'proprietary Microsoft features'? I know my copy of Mozilla do because I actually find them better for browsing sites intended only for MSIE than MSIE itself. At least I don't have to put up with all the advertising pop-ups and other invasions that MSIE seems to attract that seems to be suspiciously absent from other browsers.

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